Gunilla Wahlström, Deputy Hospital Director
When your patients are seriously ill and most vulnerable, you can care for them where they feel safest—in their own homes. Hospital at Home is a rapidly growing global care model that allows patients to recover better while maintaining both their dignity and daily routines. By managing Hospital at Home with a platform for Remote Patient Operations (RPO), you as a healthcare provider can also significantly reduce costs compared to traditional care.
See all benefitsAt home, the patient feels safe, secure, and recovers better.
With Hospital at Home, you can maximize your resources.
Today, we have the means to care for acutely ill patients at home, at the same level of care as in the hospital. By combining digital healthcare with physical interventions at home, hospital resources become accessible in the patient's living room.
Our platform enables various workflows for Hospital at Home. You can transition inpatient care, enhance discharge processes, or avoid admissions altogether. We assist you in facilitating your patients' journey.
Medoma provides essential technology, experienced experts, and proven benefits.
Medoma's Remote Patient Operations (RPO) platform provides hospitals and other healthcare providers with everything needed to run a Hospital at Home. It connects hospitals, patients, and mobile care teams, focusing on smooth and efficient planning, coordination, and logistics. The platform seamlessly integrates remote monitoring and telemedicine.
Learn more about RPOWhen transforming healthcare, it's wise to build on existing experience. Medoma is dedicated to helping hospitals and other healthcare providers establish and run Hospital at Home programs. We have launched and managed the largest Hospital at Home program in Northern Europe, with results that match or exceed international standards. With this experience, we guide you through the change process.
We have the implementation power to help you succeed in care quality, patient satisfaction, and cost efficiency. Here are the results we've achieved with our Hospital at Home program at Capio S:t Göran's Hospital, where we have cared for 600 inpatient patients at home.
lower readmission rates 1
serious complications 2
patient satisfaction 3
more patients per nurse 1
lower cost 1
unique primary diagnoses
1 Compared to similar patients receiving traditional inpatient care
2 Delirium, falls, healthcare-associated infections, and deaths
3 Net Promotor Score (scale -100 to +100)